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Negotiating Landscape Change in Scotland

Dukunu Mole serious game

Developing a serious game in Togo

Media Coverage

Ansätze für eine nachhaltige Palmölproduktion (external pagek4d)

Die afrikanische Ölpalme Elaeis guineensis ist eine hoch produktive Lieferantin von pflanzlichem Fett. Gleichzeitig steht sie für Vernichtung von Regenwald und Gewinnmaximierung multinationaler Konzerne. Auf dem Weg zu einer nachhaltigeren Palmölproduktion müssen unterschiedliche Anbau- und Absatzbedingungen und die Verknüpfung von Mensch und Umwelt mit dem Weltmarkt berücksichtigt werden. In Zusammenarbeit mit Bevölkerung, Politik und Wirtschaft erarbeiten Forschende differenzierte Lösungsansätze für einen nachhaltigen Palmölanbau.

We're losing species at shocking rates – so why is conservation failing? (external pageThe Guardian)  

Mammals, insects, amphibians, fish and birds are in steep decline, the world’s forests are on fire and the abundance of life is diminishing at rates unprecedented in human history. Faced with stark and mounting evidence of nature’s precipitous decline, leading natural and social science researchers, philosophers, anthropologists and conservationists have come together to ask why conservation is failing, and to call for an urgent re-think of how the natural world should be protected.

Recent Publications

Effects of climate, socioeconomic development, and greening governance on enhanced greenness under urban densification. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. Lead author Yuyang Chang (2024)

Participation in individual and collective agri-environmental schemes: A synthesis using the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of Rural Studies. Lead author Adelaide Sander (2024)

Diverse pollen nutrition can improve the development of solitary bees but does not mitigate negative pesticide impacts. Science of the Total Environment. Lead author Janine Schwarz (2024)

Assessing the effectiveness of cover crops on ecosystem services: a review of the benefits, challenges, and trade-offs. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. Lead author Maryam Yousefi (2024)

The effectiveness of intercropping and agri-environmental schemes on ecosystem service of biological pest control: a meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. Lead author Maryam Yousefi (2024)

Incentives and barriers to private finance for forest and landscape restoration. external pageRead here. Nature Ecology & Evolution. Lead author Sara Löfqvist (2023)


Recent Books

Forests for the Future

Forests for the Future
Edited by Jaboury Ghazoul and Daniella Schweizer, 2021.

Ecology Jaboury

Ecology: A Very Short Introduction
Jaboury Ghazoul, 2020.

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